Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spa at Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi, Chiang Mai - HD Video Interview

For some travellers, it may be what gourmet options an hotel offers, for others it may be the speed of the internet which is a priority, or the ambiance of the resort, and for many others it could well be the quality of the spa which is one of the most important factors when choosing an hotel.

There are few spas in the world as impressive, architecturally, as the spa at the Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. If there was an award for the most photographed spa in the world then this property would surely win, or at the very least be a main contender.

But what can you as a guest expect from the spa? Who is in charge and how does it differ from other spas?

Below there are two videos. The first is a video interview with the very charming, Ms Tisna Prapansiri Rosen, Director of Wellness, in which we learn the answers to those questions plus much, much more. In the second, you will get a quick tour of the spa and what it is like on the inside.

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